Apr 9, 2007

The Spring Blizzard of '07

We've been staying in touch with our daughter, Miranda Davis, all weekend during one of the biggest snowstorms of the past 20 years on the south shore of Lake Superior. I've heard and read differing figures, but it seems that the mining ghost town named Delaware about 11 miles southwest of Copper Harbor got about 40 inches of snow over three days. It was a true blizzard, with north winds blowing at 40 to 50 for lengthy periods. I've been bugging Mir to send me some shots of the action up in CH since we were last there, but she hasn't done so until now. Here's a shot of her standing on a trail somewhere in the woods near town a couple days ago, after the blizzard had let up:

Looks as though it was quite the storm, even for the Keweenaw. Here's another shot from Mir, this one taken outside her and Art's log cabin near the Mariner Restaurant:

The birds will have to look elsewhere for sustenance -- and for warmth. If the forecasts can be trusted, it looks as though this is going to be a long spell of April cold and snow in the Keweenaw and all along the Superior south shore. Notably, my parents, Don and Betty, made their way back to CH through Escanaba on Saturday and found just a trace of snow on the ground on the south side of the Upper Peninsula. Of course, it's cold everywhere east of the Rockies and north of a line about 200 miles north of the Gulf of Mexico.


copperqueenmir said...

Art just told me the offical snow totals...57 inches in Pheonix and 60 in Painsdale. A little less up here in the harbor.--mir

Capt. Donald Kilpela Sr. said...

Typically, late spring snow melts quickly. This year, however, the lingering cold snap is making it hang around and we are getting pretty antsy. There is a lot to do to get the Queen IV ready for her first trip in May 14 and this weather hasn't cooperated at all. I think we'll head back to Florida...