Aug 1, 2007

Eagle River Beach

My goodness, have things been hot everywhere in the Midwest, even way up here in Copper Harbor. We might have the coollest weather around these parts, but it's still been far above average. But it's not so unusual, really. We have a spell of heat every year. It just doesn't get quite as hot as anywhere else and the heat doesn't last quite as long. I think we have the best weather in North America right here in the Keweenaw most years. I follow these things, and I can't think of a better place for continual pleasant weather in the main summer period. Lots of people mistakenly think Lake Superior never warms up enough to be swimmable, but such is far from the case. In late July and throughout August, we swim all around the Peninsula, in Copper Harbor, even on the open Lake -- and even out at usually colder Isle Royale. Here's a shot of the boys, Logan and Drew, trying to stop up a creek entering the lake at Eagle River. The lake was a little cool this day, about 10 days ago, but still very swimmable. Superior has gotten even warmer since.

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