Oct 18, 2007

Sandstone Shore

I go back a month and more to a shot of my niece Caroline Thomas (I hope I'm spelling her first name right) standing on the Lake Superior shore one windy day in August. This spot is about two miles west of Copper Harbor. We had taken a bike ride down M-26 to this spot. Caroline and her sister Christine came up from Houston, Texas to visit their aunt, my wife, Aunt Marsha and the rest of the famiy. It was the first time for either to visit Copper Harbor since we came back to our family business and began spending our summers in CH in 1993. It was a long way to come for a short stay of just four days or so. They flew from Houston to Milwaukee and then drove a rented car to CH. They had that experience of just how far everything is from CH on that drive north from southern Wisconsin, which took the better part of a day. We are used to the distances, but when you seldom drive up here, it can seem bewildering and daunting. In this photo, Caroline was getting ready to take a photo of the sweetwater waves tumbling in to show the folks back home in Texas. This is an interesting spot along the shore. It's mostly made of layers of conglomerate, or puddingstone, but there are a few of these bulging layers of sandstone here and there along the way. And that blue sky looks exactly the way the blue sky looks so often along Superior: ravishingly blue. I still have a few more summer shots I want to post, and hundreds I could post.


Anonymous said...

Great photo Ben, I love the colors. It really makes me miss Lake Superior.

Capt. Donald Kilpela Sr. said...

There are several places in the Copper Country where you get to see the lake and sky shining a beautiful blue at the end of a long road. One is the long road down to Rabbit Bay from Dreamland. Another is the mile or more long waterworks road down to the lake from Lakeside Cemetery. Every time I drive those roads and others of the same type, I am thrilled to know that I live up here and though I have lived here for about 34 years, when I see those particular vistas I feel as though I am on vacation. One of these days I must get a picture of that scene and send it to you to post.
