Sep 28, 2007

MSU Hallway

I am back in my other life, the one lived in Okemos. This is a shot at the end of a day at my workplace, the offices of University Development at Michigan State University. My building is part of Spartan Stadium, a new addition to the stadium's east side. The offices of U.D. are located on the second and third floors of this new building, the top four floors of which (floors 4-7) are various skyboxes riding high above the football field at the bottom of the Spartan Stadium bowl. It's a nice view all the way down this hallway, which runs some 150 yards from south to north. My cubicle is about 25 feet in back of me as I stand at the windows overlooking the MSU track and the I.M. fields near Munn Ice Arena and the Breslin Center, where MSU's basketball games are played. What was I thinking this day? Not much, really. It has become a routine, going back and forth between Okemos and Copper Harbor and my two jobs. It's just the life our family leads, and we don't tend to think much about it day to day. It just something that we keep doing, and it would only feel peculiar or even worthy of notice if we DIDN'T do what we have done for some 15 summers since I returned to the Kilpela family business in CH.


Capt. Donald Kilpela Sr. said...

How about some new stuff for this blog. Waiting with bated breath.


Anonymous said...

Hey Ben, Trying to see if I can comment. I am trying to pick up some writing tips by reading your blog. I am an emgineer after all.