Jun 14, 2007

Lake Mango

I am now in Copper Harbor, northernmost town in Michigan, for the summer business season. I had a very pleasant first day in my northern home town, if conditions were a touch cool (temps only in the 50s, though sunny). Miranda, my daughter, Art Davis, my son-in-law, and I went to Lake Manganese just south of town late in the evening Tuesday last week to let their dogs, Capone and Gus, have a good run to get some exercise -- and wear themselves out for a night of sound sleep. This shot is a great one, don't you think? -- with the dogs standing by the sides of Art and Miranda with looks of worship in their eyes. I really don't think they were expecting anything other than more attention from Art and Mir. They had no treats in their pockets, in case you think this shot might have been faked with the use of dog biscuits. Rather, they took up the worshipful prosition you see without prompting. They are seldom found like this, believe me. The level of Lake Manganese seems no different from years past, though Lake Superior is down considerably.

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