Mar 8, 2007

Ice Wall on the Lake Superior Shore

How things can change. This shot was taken six weeks later than the previous shot of my son Drew taking a bite of Lake Superior ice along the open shore of the Big Lake. This shot is of my older son Logan, now 14, on top of the high cliff facing north on the northeast end of Porters Island, down near the Copper Harbor Lighthouse. Lake Superior closed down in the intervening weeks. This cliff is about 20 feet at the highest. I was standing on the frozen Lake looking up the face of the cliff, which Logan was working his way to the top of with his cousin Griffin Kastamo, from Calumet. He didn't make it. Marsha, his Mom, was worried about him taking a fall on the totally ice-covered ridge that forms this short cliff. I don't blame her. It's narrow at the top of the ridge. It looked a little unsafe. I should have taken him up there, but other sights attracted me away from this one. There was just too much to see that day, in late February.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Another gorgeous shot. I was thinking the same thing as you guys about it being dangerous. When did I get old?

I really need to drag Ryan up there to see the UP.