Mar 5, 2007

An Ice Trapezoid for the Tasting

An irresistable taste of Lake Superior. Nothing like it on a nice, calm winter's day. This is my son Drew, now 11, out near Hunters Point on the outside of Copper Harbor. The shot was taken back in early January of 2007, so notice that the big outcropping behind Drew has no ice or snow on it, even though we were standing on the edge of the Big Lake. It might be hard to remember right now that there ever was a such a long warm spell at the start of this year and a very slow start to winter overall. My son-in-law Art says the wind was howling and the snow blowing this past weekend up in CH as a blizzard swept across the Upper Peninsula. The wind built up three-foot drifts on the Isle Royale Queen IV dock, he reports. As can be predicted quite easily, the power went out in Copper Harbor a couple times over the long, hard winter weekend. I don't even pay attention to Drew's love of gnawing solid water when up north, but a few weeks later we were taking a hike along the Red Cedar River in Okemos, in central southern Michigan (the river that farther downstream winds through the MSU campus), and he started to take a nibble of some ice he had broken off at river's edge. I had to warn him quickly that one cannot safely eat the ice of a river anywhere in southern Michigan, sad to say.

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